Healthy Spoon – Perfect for Snacktime

The last 2 years has seen the Indian market flood with branded millet and ragi based dosa and pancake mixes, including Slurrp Farm. Healthy Spoon is newer, more rustic and so much cheaper!   Healthy Spoon Review With Tiffin Ideas for School having carved a permanent space in my mind, Healthy Spoon is a godsend. […]

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Food Allergies in Children

If your child has a food allergy, don’t let it frustrate you. Your child can live a happy, healthy life, as long as you are well-informed (and not beating yourself up over little food errors!).

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6 Nutritious Ragi Recipes for Kids

Ragi or Naachni or Finger Millet is a wonder grain that we are blessed to have growing locally in India. With 10 times more calcium than Wheat or Rice or Pulses, this is indeed a wonder grain!

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