Bananas are a superfruit. We all know that. And thankfully most children love bananas. But they are not always practical to carry around (ever taken out a squashed banana from the recesses of your purse, yeah that’s what I am talking about!).
And of course, these days with artificial ripening being the order of the day, bananas that look great from outside can taste disgusting when eaten. But, Madhur Fruits’ Solar Dried Bananas seem to be the perfect foil for all banana related worries. The first time I came across these bananas, I was looking to shed some post-pregnancy weight and wanted a fruit snack that was not laden with sugar, but still allowed me to feel as if I was ‘snacking’. Even after I had placed my order, I was still sceptical as it sounded too good to be true.
Madhur Fruits Solar Dried Bananas Review
About the Product
Packaging – I had ordered a 1 kg pack of Madhur Fruits Solar Dried Bananas (karpooravallis are the ones I ordered; they also have poovan & ellaki bananas) and they came in 4 boxes of 250gms each. But on opening the box, I got a surprise. Each box had individually wrapped bananas, like chocolate bars. I was already dancing with glee!

Taste – If you have ever tried the karpooravalli banana varieties (these grow in the Kerala, Tamil Nadu and some other coastal areas of India) and liked them, these solar dried bananas will blow you away. They are really flavourful, soft & yummy. And simply a wonderful snack for carrying on the go. Unless kids get turned off by the look of the banana (it IS literally a dried mini banana), they should enjoy munching on it. Good energy boost, handy and tasty.
Variety – The first time I ordered from Madhur Fruits, they were only doing solar dried bananas. Now they have expanded into solar dried chikoo, pineapple, jackfruit etc. Also, the range of their banana products has expanded to include banana chocolates, banana flower pickle and other goodies (these are next on my ordering list as the husband loves all things banana).
Ingredients – Real bananas laced with honey. These are picked, cleaned & solar dried in specially constructed dehydrators.
Appeal To
Children – All kids who like bananas and don’t get turned off by the shape, will enjoy munching it. The fact that it comes in individual wrapping like chocolate & candy bars is a huge plus from an acceptability perspective. Although it probably gets a big zero in eco-friendliness.
Weightwatchers – Good, good, good.
Workout Snack – A definite pre-workout energy boost.
Where Can I Buy From?
All products can be bought from the Madhur Fruits’ website, the LFD Shop or
Starting from ₹150 for 250gms, Madhur Fruits Solar Dried Bananas are a reasonably priced snack. Each box contains 8-10 pieces depending on weight.
Overall Appeal
Loved the way you have classified. So easy to find what i came looking for 🙂