Winter Millet Salad with Chia Microgreens | Kid Friendly Recipes

Winter Millet Salad with Chia Microgreens | Kid Friendly Recipes

Following our interview with Swati  Jainfounder of The First Leaf, she has curated this wonderful savoury recipe using nutrition dense greens for your kids!


Winter Millet Salad with Chia Microgreens

Millet, we all know, is a superfood. It’s gluten free and packed with iron, vitamins, and calcium.You can pair it with absolutely as many winter veggies to create a nutritious wholesome meal for your little ones. Throw in the Omega 3 champ- Chia Microgreens. And voila! You have in front of you a meal that’s healthy. hearty. And absolutely hog-worthy!


  • 1 cup millet soaked for 8-9 hours
  • 1/4th cup baby carrots chopped
  • 1 medium sweet potato, roasted and diced
  • 1/4th cup broccoli florets
  • 1/4th cup sweet corn kernels
  • Handful of freshly cut chia microgreens
  • Dressing
  • 1 ½ tbsp lime juice
  • 1 tbsp avocado butter oil / extra virgn olive oil
  • Salt to taste
  • A dash of freshly ground pepper


Recipe For Kids - Little Food Diary


1. Cooking Millets

Drain and rinse millets. Now add them to a saucepan with 2 cups of water/vegetable broth. Add a
pinch of salt. Cover and cook for 15-20 minutes on a medium flame until the water completely evaporates.

2. Preparing the Salad

Add vegetables to the millets and mix. Now add the dressing and chia microgreens and mix again. Serve warm.
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