Strawberry and Figs Caramel Bowls | Healthy Sweets for Kids

Strawberry and Figs Caramel Bowls | Healthy Sweets for Kids

A sweet new recipe with microgreens!


Honey-Macerated Strawberries And Figs, Topped With Tender Pea Microgreens And Served In Edible Caramel Bowls


Do not abandon this recipe because of its convoluted name. Only little efforts go in the preparation of this ‘fruity delight’

Read on…And do try this recipe. You sure will enjoy the fruits of your labor…I mean little labor!

Macerating is basically marinating fruits. This technique makes the fruits absorb the flavour of the liquid they’re soaked in. Maple syrup, juices – choose your pick!


Ingredients for Maceration

  • Honey (just enough to coat the fruits)
  • Lemon juice (1 1/2 tbsp)
  • Orange zest
  • Nutmeg or cinnamon powder for a hint of spice


Recipe For Kids - Little Food DiaryMethod

Wash your strawberries and figs. Pat dry. Macerate with the above ingredients. Leave overnight.


Making Caramel Bowls



  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Ceramic or glass bowls (the moulds for our caramel bowls)
  • Oil for greasing the bowls


Recipe For Kids - Little Food Diary


Take a cup of sugar. And keep stirring it on medium heat until it reaches a dark Amber colour and a liquidish consistency. Turn off the heat. The caramel is ready!

Now with a spoon, drizzle caramel on the inside of the greased bowl making a basket like pattern.

Let it harden for 15-20 minutes. Now gently twist it off from the mould to get a classy caramel bowl.


A word of caution – caramel is very, very hot and can cause serious burns. Handle it with care, and avoid making kids a part of this project.


Assembling The Caramel Bowls

Take the bowls and fill them up with the macerated fruits. Toss or top them with peashoots/ pea microgreens

P.S: If you’ve excluded sugar out of your kids’ diet, you can go ahead and serve just the macerated fruits with microgreens. Because they’re delicious!



Source: The First Leaf

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