DesiVDesi – Snacks with a Twist

I read about DesiVDesi in a newspaper article a few months ago praising their patented solar drying technology used to convert fruits & vegetables into healthy chips. The article also stressed on how the young founding team was creating a wonderful social enterprise that not only helped farmers by buying their excess crop but also […]

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Frubites – The Healthy Munch

Freeze dried fruits seem to be the new fad! As I sat down to do the Frubites review, I wondered if the product that claims to be “India’s first real fruit snack with crunch” was better or worse than the ones we had already tried.

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Top 5 Reasons Makhana Is Great For Kids

Makhana. Lotus seed. Fox nut. Gorgon nut. All different names for the seed of the Euryale Ferox plant. The shelled & dried variety of this seed is eaten across India, China, Japan, Korea and eastern Russia. In most parts of India, it is best known by its street name phool makhana or simply, makhana. In […]

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